Flipping the Script on Atheists’ Street Epistemology

Peter Boghossian, who’s an outspoken atheist, popularized his method of street epistemology in 2013 to shake up the views of theists. His followers (such as Anthony Magnabosco) often film themselves walking around college campuses with webcams strapped to themselves. When they encounter “unsuspecting” “interlocutors,” they follow seven steps. The intention of this article is to …

Why Atheist De-Conversion Stories Fail

To persuade people, one should use the tools Aristotle suggested of ethos (establish credibility), pathos (appeal to people’s emotions) and logos (apply logic). I have encountered many atheists who have applied Aristotle’s formulations to construct their “de-conversion” from Christianity stories. This intention of this blog is to deconstruct their stories based on a higher level …

Early Secular Sources Support New Testament Accounts of Jesus’ Divinity

The foundation upon which Christianity rests is in Jesus’ resurrection. If the resurrection did not occur, early Christian disciples would have remained in hiding, fearful of persecution. If the resurrection did not occur, they would likely have returned to their positions prior to Jesus’ ministry and their cause would have died down as the realization …

The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53: A Response to Elisha Ben Abuya

"The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" - Psalm 118:22 This morning I was tagged on social media by a person who calls himself Elisha Ben Abuya. Mr. Ben Abuya considers himself an expert in Old Testament exegesis and he has amassed many fans within the atheist community. He resides in Israel and …

When He Cried “Wolf,” They Stopped Listening: A Follow-up to My Rebuttal of Aron Ra’s Mythical Man.

"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do" (Acts 9:4-6). I recently watched and wrote a rebuttal to “The Mythical Man” by a full-time …

Philosophers Point to God as a Source of Our Objective Terminal Values

In times of increasing “Euro-secularization” and decreasing religiosity in many countries in the West, many youth have gravitated away from God. For those who seek God, however, God answers their calls, often through spiritual experiences, churches, Biblical studies, or Apologetics. “Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and …

We Still Have Ten Great Reasons to Believe God Exists

“Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His power and everything is for His glory.” Romans 11:36 I recently received a response to my blog entitled “Ten Good Reasons to Believe God Exists” so the intention of this blog is to respond to a person who calls himself @ActFactFeminist on Twitter. After each of …